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Support us

The Current truly makes a difference in the lives of our children and in the lives of artists. It makes a difference to art lovers, and those who are experiencing art for the first time. Art is change. Art is hope. And Art is a core value of this community. 


Thank you for helping get us where we are now, for believing in the change we're making, and for pushing us to claim a great future.




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3 kids in The Current's Ceramic Studio displaying their handmade bowls.


Your support gives you exclusive access to private events, openings, and other opportunities. Click below to learn more about Donor Levels and Benefits.


 Corporate Sponsorships

Corporate and Individual Sponsorships support our exhibitions and educational programs while giving you the opportunity to show your support publicly and reach new audiences.

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Planned Giving

The Anne August Legacy Society


Make a gift for generations to come.


Current Sponsors

We are so grateful for the generousity of our current supporters. 

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