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Love Letters

January 16 - April 18, 2020

Opening reception: January 16, 5-7pm

Swamp surrounded by ferns and trees

This group exhibition celebrates the concept of love and relationships with artists working before and during the digital era. The work illustrates love as both memory, honor, hope, call to action, and a global changemaker.

Artists in this exhibition focus on love past, love lost, love hoped for, love lived in a way that both honors relationships and propels the power of love beyond two, beyond power structures, into a world where multiplicity and non hierarchical structure creates action and change on a larger scale. While love may start with individuals, these artists examine their love not subjugated nor confined by any preconceived ideals or prescribed structures, but love for itself as a verb, a noun, an emotion, and a driving force.

Public Programming:

Panel Discussion of Artists and Scholars on Art and Technology

March 12, 2020


Sean Clute (artist, professor at Northern Vermont University-Johnson), Molly Davies (artist), Jeroen Nelemans (artist), and Brian Mernoff (MIT Museum Education Coordinator), share perspectives on art & technology during a discussion moderated by Rachel Moore.


Louise Bourgeois

Robert Buck

Molly Davies

Jim Dine

Tracey Emin

John Killacky, Eiko Otake, and Brian Stevenson

Jeroen Nelemans

"Moore reimagines the predictable romantic notion of love letters as something unconstrained by expectation...." Read more by Amy Lilly in SEVEN DAYS.

"Love Letters: Helen Day Art Center Explores the Many Ways to Say I Love You" by Mike Verillo at the Stowe Reporter and on

Interview of John Killacky by VPR

"I believe my artistic practice parallels legislative action," by John Killacky in the Stowe Reporter and on


Green Mountain Inn 

John M. Bissell Foundation 

National Endowment for the Arts 

Stowe Reporter 

Town of Stowe 

Vermont Arts Council 

Xpress Print & Copy

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