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Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change

November 3, 2022


2 images side-by-side. The left image is a blurred photo of a waterfall by Catherine Opie. The 2nd is a closeup of a woman with long dark blonde hair smiling and looking directly at the camera with greenery in the background.

An overview of mental health impacts of our climate-changing world.

A presentation by Suellen Breakey, PhD, RN and Patrice K. Nicholas, DNSc, DHL (Hon), MPH, MS, RN, NP-C, FAAN of MGH Institute of Health Professionals Center for Climate Change, Climate Justice, and Health.  Learn about the impacts of extreme heat and weather, poor air quality, hurricanes, flooding, rising sea levels, and post-disaster health challenges on mental health. Mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), suicide, and suicidal thoughts related to climate change will also be discussed.

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